Online Sales – End the Year with a Banner Christmas 2020

2020 has been a huge year for online sales in general. Lockdowns and pandemic measures around the world have introduced a paradigm shift in how people shop and what their expectations are online. The holidays are always a crucial period in the world of ecommerce, but this has never been more prevalent than in 2020.
If you sell goods or services online, there has never been a better time to put the pedal to the metal. This post will outline the main reasons why.

Sales Increases Are Projected to be Huge

Holiday sales online have seen consistent growth over the past few years. In 2020 though, this growth is set to be staggering. Data from Adobe Analytics sheds light on the landscape for holiday shopping this year. Perhaps the most notable forecast is that Adobe predicts $189 billion in online holiday sales for 2020. This represents a whopping 33% increase over 2019.

Of further interest is the proportion of these spenders who are predicted to be entirely new to online shopping. Forecasts suggest that as much as 9% of online spending this holiday season will come from customers who are brand new to shopping online. The market is changing and yesterday was the time to capitalize. Businesses everywhere are scrambling to gain new customers. Competition online is always fierce, but it’s set to get fiercer as the months go by.

Online Shopping is Increasingly Incentivized

As the pandemic continues to storm through every aspect of our lives, governments around the world are encouraging people to stay at home and avoid unnecessary trips outside. One major impact of this has been a record-breaking shift to online platforms. It’s affected everything from the way we communicate, to how we access goods and services. We’re all sick to death of hearing phrases like “unprecedented times”, but it’s a cliché for a reason! Never in recent history have governments played such an active role in encouraging people to avoid brick and mortar stores. In North America especially, second lockdowns seem increasingly likely. This truly is the year of online shopping.

Your Competitors are Already Online

It’s an unpleasant thought, but a lot of your competition has already taken steps to leverage the new online climate. It’s important to adapt if you want to stay ahead. This has been a turbulent, unpredictable year to say the least. Understanding how best to tackle ecommerce is vital if you’re going to survive over the coming years.

Online Business Courses – Invest in Yourself

We offer a range of live online sales courses for business professionals. They’re designed to equip l earners with the skill set required i n 2020 and beyond. The world of ecommerce is a dynamic, ever-evolving place. Make sure you’re ready for what’s coming in 2021!